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Welcome To The Next Gear!

Your Life Will Never Stall Out Again

Treadmill Walking
Home: Welcome

About Me

Who Is This Guy!?


Wondering who I am? Well here we go! My name is Nathaniel L. Simpson II but no-one calls me that other than my Birth Certificate, not even my Mother! Call me Nate, and NO you will not get my middle name until I know you better!

I am an up and coming fitness specialist with fresh knowledge of this fitness world that some consider intimidating. My main goal is to get rid of that intimidation and create a true love and understanding of Fitness and Healthy Living.

I have a B.S. (Bachelors of Science) in Exercise Science, Certificate in Health Promotion: Fitness and I am pursuing my Masters in Sports Management as well as my future Doctorate in Physical Therapy. 


As you can see, I LOVE learning and expanding my knowledge on an ever changing industry. Even my clients end up teaching me new things through me training them!

COVID-19 has hindered a lot of things in our lives but I will always find a way to help you make your life better. I can tell one thing that COVID-19 did not ruin though, my proposal to my now Fiancé. When life knocks you off your path, find another route to happiness!  


I hope you will allow me to learn more from training with you while also allowing me to be your new path to a complete healthy way of living!


Let's Do This Thing and GET. IN. GEAR!!!

Home: About

Join Me On A Fitness Journey

I offer many different types of training based off of what you would like to improve on. Here are some of those Training Types:


Cardio Training

Let get moving! Among its many benefits, participating in Cardio helps improve coordination, reaction time, and memory.

Core Exercise

Core Training

Join me for a Core Training like no other. Learn new techniques to create that figure you've always wanted.

Image by Annie Spratt

Flexibility Training

Find out what flexibility can really do for you during a Flexibility Training session. You will find out that with Great Strength comes Great Flexibility!


Resistance Training

Join me for Resistance Training and exercise your way to a healthy body and mind. Resistance Training techniques build a strong body from which one can transition into more advanced stages, including a diversity of exercises and modifications to suit a range of difficulties, from beginner to advanced. Treat yourself today — you deserve it!

Home: Our Classes
Image by Eric Rothermel

Availability & Pricing

Pick A Time and Place

Full Availability: Monday-Friday

Limited Availability: Saturday

No Availability: Sunday


Consultation: $35 


Home: Opening Hours

Get In Touch

Ready to Get In Gear? Give me a call, send me an email or text message and let's get started!


Home: Contact

Get In Gear

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